Tuesday, July 12, 2011

#1 Evil Dead II: Dead By Dawn

Overview: In this remake/sequel to the first "Evil Dead", We learn about the character of Ash (not the loser from Poke' mon), and in this ridiculously morbid film he plans a mini-vacation with his hot girlfriend in the woods; which by the way is the stupidest idea ever! has our buddy Ash never watched a Horror film?  When they get to the Cabin  Ash reads a book that looks as if it was the Book of Judas, and then suddenly zombies and phantasms are sprouting up all over the place! Like weeds around a bunch of other weeds!!

The Good:  You may wonder why I picked the second installment over "Evil Dead I" and "Army Of Darkness", and the reason is it combines the best of the two!  The First installment focuses more on the gory side of the franchise, while "Army.." is mostly a comedy, so it's like part II is the transitional movie where there's just the right amount of Comedy, and just the right amount of awesome violence.  First of all Bruce Campbell is off the hook as the funny man, who looks as though he could crack walnuts in the butt of his chin!  There are more quotable one-liners in this movie than almost any other, except maybe "Princess Bride", but words like "Groovy" have never been this much fun to say.  Director Sam Raimi has this weird obsession with having as much blood and gore as possible, and in this movie it is over the top but it's meant to be funny.  There was one such scene where this hickerbilly was being attacked by a zombie, and instead of just a little gore, Raimi had like a 3-minute scene of blood blowing all over the place, almost like the Hoover Damn exploded.  Bruce Campbell really made a name for himself with the "Evil Dead" series, because now he is one of the leading filmmakers in B-Horror movies, and I'm pretty sure that all the nerdy red-heads around the world who can't score a date, have a statue of Bruce in their rooms whom they can relate to while loosing at Dungeons and Dragons.

The Bad:  That there wasn't more blood and gore in the movie.  Not saying there wasn't enough, because watching this movie made me feel like I just walked into a slaughterhouse (holy crap i'm hungry all the sudden).  I was just thinking to myself, "what is the only thing that could make this film any more legendary?.. BLOOD!! Yeah I'm a man, man.  Dudes like blood."

The Ugly:  To me this is the greatest Horror film ever made.  It may not be the scariest one of all, but it does score brownie points for AWESOMENESS!!! This film is so over the top with blood, gore, and comedy that the only thing that could be funner than watching this is taking a hot bath filled with mint hot-chocolate! I have never done that, but a brother could dream, right?
5 out of 5

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