Sunday, July 17, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II

Overview: It's show time!  Voldemort and Harry want a piece of each other, and they want it bad... almost like two High School students, except in a bad/violent/sadistic way.  After several people died, Harry Pothead and his band of losers end up making a stand against Voldemort and his posse within the walls of Hog's warts.  Is it just me, or did Harry even ask why Voldemort was mad in the first place?  Either he was upset that he never got that nose job done, or he was just frustrated that his name was compared to the F-word.

The Good:  I was a little nervous about this series ending, because it meant that they had to make one heck-of-a-flick for the finale.  Alas, they were able to pull a rabbit out of there butts, and present us with an extrememly emotional and actionpacked fun-fest.  I am one of those people that never read the books, because I just never got into them, but the movies are a bunch of little gems.  Terrific acting all around, especially from our beloved Alan Rickman when he (SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT) Runs off with Dumbeldore into the sunset of love... Just kidding he dies.  You have to hand it to all the young kids, who after 8 movies have become really good at acting, especially Daniel Radcliffe since he's now into the Broadway scene.  That actually got me a little mad, because knowing Daniel Radcliffe is that good at singing and dancing makes me struggle to make fun of him.  One last thing I loved about this movie is how great it makes red-heads look.  We all know Ron Weasley is a loser, but seeing him succeed at kicking butt and snagging a girl gives confidence to the rest of the ginger community.

The Bad:  My wife told me that it deviated from the book a little, but since I didn't read the book I could care less.  What C and I noticed is how different "Deathly Hallows I" is from "Deathly Hallows II".  Although I see why they did it that way, because they wanted all the slow and mushy stuff in the first one, then the second one will come at you like "RAMBO"; seriously the second one was so fast that it felt like drinking a red-bull at a rave party... and I have no idea what that means.  Last but not least, J.K.Rowling is a weirdo.

The Ugly:  I may not be the biggest Harry Pothead fan, but this was actually a great film to watch, and a perfect end to this large-and-in-charge series.  I was sort of emotional to see the little nerd grow up from eating jelly-beans that taste like poop, to now become a man who beats up bald-albinos for a living.  Great film, and make sure you see it because it will be a while before "The Hobbit" comes out.
4 1/2 out of 5

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