Sunday, July 10, 2011

#3 Insidious

Overview:  After moving into a new house, and getting a new job everything seems groovy for the Lambert family, all except for their last name.  When their suspiciously quiet son falls into a coma, freaky things start happening all around the house, which drives Adam Lambert's family to move.  When the hauntings continue in the new place, they finally realize "It's not the house that's haunted... it's your son", said the creepy old woman.  Guess they should get reimbursed for the faulty doctor appointments, because that man was wrong! Just like Bill Clinton was during the sex scandal.

The Good:  This may be number 3 on my list, but this is by far the SCARIEST movie I have ever seen!!  When the movie ended at 11pm I was so scared that I had to call C and talk to her the entire drive home, and at the same time all my windows were down and the car lights were on; I felt like a kid where I was scared of Paris Hilton being in the closet.  I'm not going to mention the acting much, because it was obviously good, especialy Patrick Wilson and Rose Byrne as the leading cast.  There are some images in this movie that will stick with you for weeks after it's over, heck I'm still checking the back seat of my car and making sure there's no crazy-eyed pioneer girl waiting to haunt me.  Speaking of Pioneer girls, the scariest part of this movie are these two dead ladies wearing poodle skirts who look like they're from the 1950's, they even make the twins from "The Shinning" look harmless.  This may be a bad thing, but what makes this such a good Horror movie is it NEVER LETS UP!  Several hundreds of scary movies don't have enough terror, this one might have too much, because once something really scary happens, something scarier arrives about half a second later.  It's an unsettling feeling; almost like going up the tracks of a very tall roller coaster and remembering you forgot to pee.

The Bad:  I don't want to give anything away, because everything in this movie needs to come as a surprise, but there is one part of it that may be a bit confusing; "Insidious" is divided into two parts.  The first half of the movie is more like an old-fashioned haunted house story, then the second part is like something out of "Are You Afraid Of The Dark".  None of this bothers me, because I thought the movie was sheer perfection, but there are some people out there who might get confused.

The Ugly:  When it comes to Horror I feel like I can handle a lot, regardless of how much shock value the movie has, but "Insidious" is the first Horror film EVER to actually make me afraid of the dark.  The most frequent Horror movie watcher will be laying down in the bathroom in the fetal position right next to the toilet; I have crohns so i'm allowed to do those things without being judged to harshly... right?
4 1/2 out of 5


  1. THIS ONE is totally on my list. It STILL freaks me out occasionally when I'm walking upstairs to my dark attic room in the middle of the night. And I had to do the same thing driving home after seeing it at couldn't sleep for the next 2 nights, finally I did but with lights, and after about 4-5 days I could sleep almost normally. It really scares the crap out me!

  2. Right?! It comes out on July 12th and I am so buying it. I do occasionally have some freakout moments as well, so when I buy It my honey and I will have to watch it during the daytime, that might numb the freakout a little bit eh?

  3. I know, me too! I certainly hope so. There is no watching that movie after like 8 or 9pm. Hey, thinking about it, have you heard of a movie called the Poughkeepsie Tapes? I heard about it in 2007 and have always wanted to see it, but it is IMPOSSIBLE to find.

  4. C and I watched the trailer for it and it looks insane!! We don't know if it's true or not, but it seems like the perfect idea for a movie. Is it already out?

  5. It was supposedly released in 2009, but it is honestly NO WHERE. Netflix has the info for it, but it isn't available, and it isn't on If we want to watch this one, we may have to resort to finding it online.

  6. Hmmm, this sounds like a "search" challenge! I'm on it.


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