Saturday, July 2, 2011

Conclusion of the 2011 Best Picture Nominees

It is officially over! And thank goodness because it took forever waiting for netflix to arrive, and now I can finally use the rest room.  It's not that I don't respect the Academy, but sometimes they choose some crappy movies that they want to give their awards to.  By my calculations, this year's Oscar Nominees were some good ones, here were the ones C and I liked the most.

C:  King's Speech
I thought this was the greatest of them all.  It had the boldest appeal, and you liked the deep character development and potrayel all throughout.  Although I think Mr. Darcy is ultra hot, I was happy that he put his Darcy-character aside in order to be a bit more noble.  Geoffry Rush was also really good, especially since he wasn't being all "Pirates of the Caribbean" on us.  Helena Bonham Carter was also delightful to watch, but that's probably because she's not all Tim Burtony.

A: 127 Hours.
Out of all the nominees this year, this was the only one where people were like "i'll dare you to see this movie." and in response those people would say "Unless I was Hannibal Lector I don't think I could sit through that!"  Even though he was stuck in the canyon with that rock for the entire movie, there was more chemistry between James Franco and that Rock then there was between Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan in all their movies together.  This is a great emotional movie that can make even the manliest of dudes cry, just like Lindsey Lohan when she realized that she DID steal that necklace and sent off to prison... that big dummy.

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