Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Who needs a “Spiderman” reboot?

Good Old Days:  I remember the good old days when I was 7, where eating fun-dip candies, stealing Bazooka gum, and having a movie remade 3 decades after the original was normal.  We live in a different world now, where reality TV screws up the minds of younger generations, Bazooka is still being stolen by 7 year olds, and movies are being remade only a couple years after the originals; the olden days were better, but I don’t steal gum anymore. 

God Bless you Sam Raimi:  As a simple Scottish-Mormon living in the upper-middle class of San Francisco my life was filled with many exciting things, and one of those was the first “Spiderman” movie.  I LOVED THAT FILM!  It may have been a bit cheesier than other comic book adaptations, but that’s exactly what the comic was like.  Sam Raimi brought his B-Movie agenda/rub, applied it to the comic-book brisket, and then slow roasted it till the perfect tenderness and taste was reached (you must forgive me, C and I have been watching the “Food Network”).  Following the first film were two sequels, and even those movies were not that bad.  “Spiderman 2” was even better than the first one, by emphasizing the conflict between Peter Parker and Spiderman even more.  Excusing parts of “Spiderman 3” (which I liked by the way), that was a solid summer flick that was still fun to watch, and it brought the trilogy to an agreeable conclusion.  All should be fine in Spidey’s world right?  Well apparently not, because my Spidey senses are tingling but not in a good way, this is more like an itch.

Hollywood you’ve done it again:  What in the name of Oprah Whinfrey is going on in Hollywood right now?  It’s been roughly 3-4 years since the last “Spiderman” movie and they’re already doing a reboot?  I can see this being a good thing if the previous 3 films were utter failures, BUT THEY WEREN’T!  Someone once said to me, and I quote “They’re making a reboot because the last films weren’t good enough.”  Oh really?  Because what I remembered about those films is that they were some of the biggest blockbuster hits of ALL TIME, and each and every one of them (yes that includes the 3rd one) received rave review from critics and audiences alike.  This is a dangereous move on Hollywood’s part.

Why what I say means nothing:  People are going to see this movie anyways, because their curiosity will get the best of them, just like the cat’s right before being put in the washing machine.  There is no doubt this movie will be successful, but there is also a high chance of it being forgettable.  This premature reboot would have been received with open arms in about 20 years, but since it’s only been a couple years it’ll just sound like the same old song that no one cares about… like the “With arms wide open” song by Creed.


  1. Interesting, as a huge Spider-man fan I disagree with you. The first three movie were okay at best. I left the theater each time thinking really, they could have done better. I do agree that Spider-man doesn't need a reboot. They should have approached it like they approach James Bond (until Daniel Craig came along). Just do a new movie and don't worry about if the actors looks different.

    There is another issue that you haven't looked at. Sony Entertainment wants to keep control of Spider-man movie franchise. They lose control of it if they don't make a movie every so many years. Not sure how long that is, but it must be soon if they are making another movie.

    They wouldn't be making a new spider-man if it wasn't a huge commercial success. Who ever said that they were making the new one because they were failures doesn't understand why people make movies, especially reboots and sequels. They only make those movies if the first movie was successful.

    I have high hopes for the Amazing Spider-man. They are changing up a few things and bring it a little closer to the comic. I for one am looking forward to webshooters. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up, but at the same time I can't help it.

    So I guess what I'm saying is that I need a new spider-man movie. I don't care if it's a reboot or a sequel. Just don't have Toby McGuire, I did not like his portray of spider-man, or as an actor.

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  3. You raise a good point. Although I thought the first couple films were fun, it was only because of how dumb and cheesy they were, and I was probably High on JOLT cola while watching them. I haven't heard about the SONY Entertainment thing, but there better do something about that soon... or make a "Spiderwoman" movie, now that would be awesome! A huge advantage the new movie will have over the previous three is the actors. I liked that actor (playing spiderman) from "Social Network, and Emma Stone is never NOT good. I'll definitely be seeing the movie. I'm mostly talking about bad timing, because the new-reboot thing is sort of confusing a lot of people. I'm pretty sure the new one will be better then the others though.


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