Tuesday, July 5, 2011

#8 The Exorcist

The Overview:  Regan MacNeil's life takes a tragic and horrific turn when the demon known as "Puberty" decides to take over her.  As a result her voice drops horrifically low, her face explodes into the worst acne possible so her grandparents will never kiss her again, and she's hitting on older men who just so happen to be Catholic priests.  Finding out that it wasn't puberty, two priests take on the demon, including one who encountered him once before, and one who has serious doubts about the Exorcism practice.

The Good:  I'm pretty sure it is offensive to almost every Horror movie lover out there that I didn't make "The Exorcist" #1 on my list, and the truth is although I don't think it's the greatest film ever like so many others, it is a classic that till this day can make people with the strongest stomachs churn.  The make-up effects in this movie are phenomenal, and I really feel the filmmakers captured the essence of what it's like to hit puberty, makes sense right?  In all seriousness the make-up effects were truly amazing in showing Regan's health get worse as the demon continued to eat at her.  I'm sure that Linda Blair's school life stunk after starring in this, since all the boys wouldn't wanna date her... would you wanna take a girl to a movie, knowing that her head can spin 360's and barf all over the place? I don't think so girlfriend.  But that's the point, Linda was pulling off some superior acting as the girl being possessed, and it was so convincing that every person in the audience was uncomfortable when someone would enter her room.

The Bad:  This movie is at the top of many people's "Top Ten" lists because it's basically flawless, and the only reason it isn't at the top of mine is because there isn't much to the movie.  It does deliver what it's selling, and that's the shrieks and scares that will give you nightmares for days, but the plot is almost too simple.  The Plot starts with a young girl being possessed, she continually gets worse, and then the priests strive to help her out.  Anything added to the plot would have been cool, including a dance number between Regan and the Devil, or perhaps a musical number where Regan sings the devil out of her... I dunno.

The Ugly:  When asking Horror lovers what their favorite movie is, "The Exorcist" is what they'll tell you 70% of the time, and why shouldn't they?  This is a very well made film, and although it's old, it still has the ability to scare and make you run to the bathroom because you just soiled yourself.
31/2 out of 5


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