Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Captain America

Overview:  Steve Rogers is a strange little boy whose hobbies include: being a wallflower at dances, getting the crap beat out of him in alleys, and falling in love with women who are WAY out of his league.  Knowing that Steve would be the worst soldier ever, he kept on getting rejected from the Army, that is until the Pedophile from "The Lovely Bones" comes along and gives him the chance of a lifetime;  Steve becomes the part of a SUPER-human experiment.  Once he's strapped in to the ultra-powerful (yep primitive) Bow-flex machine filled with the glowy liquid from rave parties, he becomes the patriotic hunk that all the ladies enjoy wooing over, while the guys look to him as a brother.  Together with the U.S. Army Captain America battles with a Nazi that had too much Tabasco sauce as a kid, while trying to win the war at the same time.

The Good:  Let it be known that I'm not the biggest fan of comic book movies, unless it's something by Guillermo del Toro, the "Hulk", or "Thor", but this movie wasn't that bad.  It wasn't only a good movie, it also made me feel strangely patriotic enough that I felt like eating an entire Thanksgiving meal at the Golden Corral.  The Action was awesome all throughout, especially the (SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT) part when a man gets chopped into ground beef when going through the propeller.  Even though C thought he was silly, I actually liked Hugo Weaving as the no-nosed-Nazi, the only reason she didn't like him is because she thought he looked like Jim Carrey from "The Mask", and she was afraid of an inevitable Brazilian-musical number.  Can't say anything bad about Chris Evans, the man is likened unto a bowl of ice-cream... simply pleasant.

The Bad:  The movie was far more entertaining than I thought it would be, and I won't say much since I fear the uprising of the ultimate "Captain America" nerds.  It seems like at times during the movie I kept saying to myself "Who cares about all the mushy stuff, can't you go kill some more Nazis' already?!"  It was definitely a fun comic book/popcorn/summer movie to see, but in some areas it falls short; put it this way, it will never be a "Dark Knight".  I'm also starting to get the feeling that Hollywood is saying "Alright worms! Lets poop out the last Avenger movie so we can start making 'The Avengers'".

The Ugly:  Traditionally this is not the kind of movie I would ever seen in the theaters, but after seeing it and thinking about it in the bathtub afterwards, I realized that it was a fun ride.  Don't go see this movie alone, because not only will you be depressed, but you'll forever hate the U.S. and eventually move to the Middle-east.
3 out of 5

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