Thursday, August 11, 2011

George A. Romero's Deadtime Stories

The Overview:  In this spooky scary movie, also known as "Creepshow IV", George A. Romero is finally honest with us about what scares him the most.  Some of these Phobias include nutty cannibalistic natives of South America, any kind of mermaid including that demon red-head from Disney's "The Little Mermaid", and crazy teenage-hormone-driven Vampires.  With the help of other filmmakers, Romero gives Horror fans three short movies that are sure to make you lock the door, with the fear that one of your phobias will break in... Mine is Rosie O' Donnell.  The thought of her breaking in my house with a mullet scares me more than the Devil himself.

The Good:  Horror movies do tickle my fancy to the utmost, but sometimes an upper lower class ginger doesn't want to sit through one that's longer than 2 hours.  The Grandfather of Horror read my mind perfectly by presenting me with three 30 minute movies that I can watch in more than one sitting.  I don't know if Romero was just trying to revisit the time when he made "Creepshow", but these movies do add to the collection of his other creepy/fun works.  There is the one story in particular about the mermaid that terrified me, which is confusing because I thought mermaids where all a bunch of red-head hotties that travel with talking crabs and Seagulls that don't seem right in the head.  "Deadtime Stories" is a simple Horror experience that doesn't require too much, and is just meant to be laughed at and enjoyed

The Bad:  The actors in this movie obviously don't know how to act, because throughout the whole film I felt like Pepper spraying them all in the eyes... but when I realized that pepper spraying the TV wouldn't work, I did it to myself and then cried like Oliver Twist did after being denied more cereal!  Just because these movies were conducted by Romero doesn't mean that they're master pieces, and you'll see that in the crappy production values that are usually reserved for SYFY original movies.

The Ugly:  The Production values may stink about as much as that possum I ran over a few years ago, and the acting may be compared to the value of Rosie O'Donnell's life, but I enjoyed this movie.  "George A. Romero's Deadtime Stories" was a film I could watch while at the same time doing chores around the house... yes, I actually clean the house.  It's not like I sit in my own filth...errr, gotta go!
2 1/2 out of 5

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