Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Overview:  In this shocking sequel to “Social Network” Nev Schulman joins the rest of the nieve-online-idiots wholive their lives on facebook.  He befriends the perfect family over the internet, and becomes digitally twitterpated with one of the daughters (Megan).  After the cyber-love grows to a certain level of disgusting intimacy, and they’ve poked each other enough times, Nev decides to track Megan and her family down so he can confess his undying 2-week love to her.  Documented by his brother and friend, the three begin their giddy car-ride down.

The Good:  There is only so much I can say about this movie without giving the ending away, and that would be a bad thing because the ending is one of the most shocking I’ve ever seen on film. We live in a world now where people are obsessed with “The Facebook”, and I’m not going to pretend I’m not one of them, but there are some people who are SO obsessed with checking their “life” it’s pathetic… like an awkward homeless person.  I love this film because it’s a huge wake-up call to people who live their exclusively on the internet; it persuades them to actually try talking and dating to people IN PERSON, just like what our ancestors used to do in pioneer times (aka less than a decade ago). 

The Bad:  The main character in this movie thinks he’s someone he’s not.  Nev spends a lot of time on camera with his shirt off, as if that’s what the audience wants to see!  Yuk!  That mans chest is so hairy it not only rivals Austin Power’s chest, but I at one time thought I saw an endangered condor fly out of it.  Matthew McConaughey and the “Twilight” cast would be ashamed.

The Ugly:  This is a realistic thriller that has unsettling suspense all throughout, almost as much as “INSIDIOUS”.  If you are a staunch computer nerd, then it’s about time you got your finger out of your nose, threw all the Hot-Pockets out, and sit your glutious maximus on the couch to view this movie.  “Catfish” is a harsh reality check that everyone in this day and age should see.

3 ½ out of 5

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