Saturday, August 6, 2011


Overview:  The World has ended, and it's all because nobody learned anything from "The Matrix".  After Doc finished helping the curious teenager with the Oedipus complex in "Back to the Future", he created 9 not-as-creepy-as-they-claim-to-be dolls to save the world; after the last human has kicked the bucket.  Although these dolls are the size as a toe with an ingrown nail, they band together like Siamese twins and try to save the world from the machines... Ted Theodore Logan was nowhere to be found.

The Good:    C is not the biggest fan of post-Apocalyptic movies, but this time I thought her heart would be softened since it's about renegade dolls... nope I was wrong.  I, however, love post-Apocalyptic movies, and this visionary work of art was an excellent addition to my depressed collection.  Shane Acker, like Guillermo del Toro, was extremely creative in how he made this film.  Every shot in the movie looks like something you would see in an art exhibit (especially if it's Tim Burton's home), and Mr. Burton seamlessly blends his Gothic art into this post-apocalyptic world as well.

The Bad:  It's a good thing I wasn't taking a bath, having toast, and watching this movie at the same time, because then i'd be just another dead ginger the world doesn't need.  I went into this movie thinking it'd be a fun Tim Burton movie about dolls, and that it'd be more like "Alice In Wonderland", but I was wrong.  There isn't anything wrong with the movie, I just hope everyone else is prepared before watching it, because about 2 seconds after the intro, all my giddy-happiness vanished from my eyes... like when I watched the edited version of "Titanic" on TV! haha, just kidding folks.

The Ugly:  If you're an artistic person like me, then this movie will be a feast for the eyes.  Don't let the depressing story line get the best of you, and avoid having a toaster near the tub.  Instead enjoy the movie for what it is, and eat your popcorn with joy, knowing that you have it 10-times better than those creepy dolls do.
4 out of 5


  1. I am glad you liked this movie! I did too, and most other people thought it was dumb. :( boo for them.

  2. It was kinda (pretty) depressing, but in an awesome way!!! Tim Burton movies never seize to provide for me.


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