Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dylan Dog: Dead of Night

Overview:  My home-dog Dylan Dog is just your normal detective with the perfect blend of cool "Dragnet" type qualities you would expect, except he sort of has a thing for securing justice among the undead and hairy wolves; he's like a less cool version of "Hellboy".  When another rich-white collector is murdered it sets off a string of unnatural and violent events among the "Monster" community, and it's up to our "Dick Tracy" wannabe to make sure the world doesn't become completely screwed.  All at the same time Dylan helps his friend Marcus come to terms with his new undead makeover, and also to overcome the gag-reflex that comes with his new diet.

The Good:  I love "Dick Tracy" styled movies about as much as the next self-respecting American, because they're just plain awesome.  I love the whole nonchalant attitude that Dylan (played by Superman) gives off, and can I expect any less from an awesome detective? Nada.  It's no surprise to the world that I have a love affair with the Horror Genre, and they are my second love after my beloved wife... then after horror it would have to be nasty buffet food; what can I say I'm patriotic, but I digress.  It makes me happy to know that this is a Horror movie I can show to people who get scared easy, because it's also a comedy that succeeds in being silly all throughout.  Although I'm sure it did scare my young nieces who are still under the age of WAY YOUNG!  Their future night terrors will destroy my status of being an awesome uncle... *Sigh*.

The Bad: Besides possibly terrifying my nieces, this movie just wasn't that exciting.  I wasn't expecting it to have many GOOD scares since it's a Horror/Comedy and all, but I was excited to possibly witness something semi-scary.  Did I find these scary scenes? nope, I was left at the bottom of the pit while being asked to put lotion on.  There were some funny moments, but Sam Huntington's sarcastic comic relief could only go so far, and I knew at some point that he would die in the movie, and I guess technically he did; get it? HE WAS UNDEAD!! I wish I could say something bad about Brandon Routh since it was his movie, but the only people I can blame are the filmmakers for giving him such bad material to work with, because it seemed all he was trying to do was save the movie from taking a crap on itself.  When the movie ends you get one of those anti-climatic feelings that make you want to slam your head against the wall for some excitement, which I didn't do; that welt on my head is a birthmark.

The Ugly:  The only time I would advise seeing this movie is if you're with a bunch of drunken fraternity friends and you have nothing else to talk about, in other words make sure your're in a campy mood and don't expect too much.  A wise Billboard once said "Set your goals low, that way you won't be disappointed with bad results later".  This is what you must do with "Dylan Dog: Dead of Night", and that way you can enjoy it a little bit more
2 out of 5

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