Monday, May 7, 2012

The Avengers

HULK SMASH!!!  Seeing this film was an absolute delight, and that's coming from a guy who can honestly care less about superheros who dress like a bunch of D&D nerds.  This film (much like the Expendables) reaks of Testosterone filled awesomeness, and just when you thought there couldn't be anymore awesomeness, it kept coming.   I have to tell ya even though I enjoyed this flick to the utmost, It broke my heart to see a bunch of people dressing up for the movie.  After my brother and I came out of the matinee showing, it was to our horror when we saw a bunch of Napoleon Dynamite-type people dressed up as Thor, and acting just like him.  Although they are having fun, they just made the idea of making out with a hot girl a VERY DISTANT THOUGHT!  Maybe they'll run into a manly woman who also enjoys dressing up as Thor, but it makes me cringe to think of what those make-out sessions would look like...  The story picks up where each individual avenger movie left off.  Thor's douche-bag of a brother decides to befriend ET's relatives, and take over planet earth (I guess ET hated our planet more than we all thought).  And that is when America's favorite black pirate "Dark Fury" gathers all these super heroes together, because they are the earth's only hope.  The Result of all these heroes being together is one AMAZING battle scene that takes place in the ending, which is like porn for these hero loving nerds, or like the Food Network for me on a good day.  
This was a very fun movie to watch, and it makes me think of who my superhero team would include.  It would be as follows:  Jason, Freddy, Alien, Predator, Hannibal, the rabbit from Donnie Darko, and the Woman in black...  That actually sounds like a horrible idea.
5 out of 5


  1. Wow. I consider myself of moderate to above average intelligence, but I have no idea what you were talking about through most of this. Oh well, you gave it 5 of 5 and thats what's important. Joss Whedon owns as a director and he finally got to make a big budget movie to prove it. I'm hoping fire lots more a big Whedon projects in the near future.

  2. haha, sorry to disapoint ya. I'm just making fun of the people who dressed up like thor

  3. I would totally dress up, and I'm pretty sure my D&D nerd boyfriend did. :P I saw it for the second time today, and they do a great job of balancing action with humor. Did you stay for the scene after the credits? Great joke there with the shawarma place that Iron Man mentions when he wakes up after falling back to earth. :D

  4. It's true, I totally would have dressed up to, but I would have made fun of myself. The movie was so funny, and I thought it was priceless when Hulk kicked the crap out of loki


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