Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Grey

Wolves!!!  At one point we thought they were cute when we saw them raise Mowgli in "Jungle Book", but this movie reveals them for what they really are, SPAWNS OF SATAN!  And with regards to Alaska, you'd think after seeing the movies "Into the Wild", "Alaska", "30 Days of Night", and "The Edge", that people would take a hint and NEVER go there.  Seriously it seems to me that anyone traveling to Alaska should be warned that their plane WILL crash, and they will either be chased by bears, wolves, or foreign vampires who have a strong case of G-I-N-G-I-V-I-T-I-S.    The story follows several oil workers whose plane crashes deep in the Alaskan wilderness (called it!), and not only do they have to find a way to keep warm, but they have to survive wolves the size of mini-coopers.  Luckily for them they have a hunter named Ottway (Neeson), who helps out the best he can.

The Good:
I always enjoy a good flick about a bunch of dudes surviving in some land that sucks the life out of you, like "Into the Wild", "The Edge", "Boys in the Hood", or any Zombie movie you can think of.  despite the fact that this movie is really intense, and has a lot of action in it, what I liked most is some of the heartfelt moments between Neeson and his friends when he's helping them with survival, or to cope with death.  Liam Neeson was such a tender-loving sweetheart in the movie, that one day I hope we're on a plane together, and that after it crashes we can recreate some of those lovely moments!  Before Liam Neeson became this HUGE action star, he was in Oscar-Winning films like "Schindler's list", and it's not like he was doing bad with himself.  All the sudden that changed, a few years ago he's become one of the most effective action stars out there.  The difference between Neeson's action films, and the action films of others is that he doesn't focus on how stylized the violence can be.  Liam Neeson's action flicks are blunt, realistic, and gritty, much like this film here.

The Bad:
Even though the trailer sells the movie like it's going to be one massive fight scene between Neeson and wolves, I just want to let you guys know that's not the case AT ALL.  There aren't really any fight scenes to begin with, unless you count wolves tearing helpless men to shreds as a fight;  So the advertising for this movie wasn't very accurate.  Maybe this stems from my utter hatred for pets, but it cracks me up when I see animals in movies have personality, I mean what is this, Twilight?  are these wolves really just a bunch of half-naked Natives running around, communicating their feelings to each other telepathically?  I'd like to think so, that'd be freaken awesome!  But seriously I'm sure all that's going through the wolves minds is a song that goes like "I'm chewing on this man, yum yum yum, he thought he could run, so dumb dumb dumb".

The Ugly:
Basically the Moral of this story is that planes are attracted to the ground when traveling over Alaska, which usually ends up in a crash, much like eating a king-size Toblerone only to realize that the fat is leasing out an apartment right in your love handles.  To me this is the king of all survival movies, and has to be one of the better DVD releases of the year, so if you're a fan of Alaska, Wolves, Neeson, and snow-covered beards, then this is the movie for you!
5 out of 5

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