Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Vow

This movie proves that I have a heart as soft as a baby bunny, until his feet are processed into lucky key-chains.  "The Vow" is a True Story about a lovely young couple (played by VERY sexy people), who after going through the dating process and being married, end up having life crash on them in a tragic way, like when the McRib sandwich leaves McDonalds, or like the time we found out Snooki was pregnant.   Because Paige and Leo parked in the middle of a street, it was only a matter of time before a trucker, who was listening to Selena Gomez too loud, would rear-end them.  As a result Leo was injured, and Paige suffered Severe memory loss, and no it's not as cute as "50 First Dates."  Because Paige can't remember Leo at all, it's up to him to get Paige to love him again and secure their marriage.  

The Good:
I didn't full out ball when watching this movie like it did at the end of "Titanic", "What Dreams May Come", "Grave of the Fireflies", and "Scary Movie 3", but my eyes did get watery almost as if I had been chopping up onions all day.  This was a lovely movie that doesn't have a horrible ending like most Nicholas Sparks stories do, and i'm not ruining the movie when I say that, because on the poster it says "Based on the Incredible True Story"; you would know if the ending was going to suck if it said "Based on the crappy heart-wrenching True Story".  Rachel McAdams is a beautiful babe-of-a-woman who is notorious for being able to tackle any kind of role handed to her, but the most pleasant acting surprise of the movie was the remarkably chizzled CHANNING TATUM!  His acting was surprisingly good! and I don't know if any of you guys noticed, but he's become a lot funnier in his later films.  Even though he was good, it makes me sad that his acting skills have improved,  because now I can't refer to him as the actor who flushed his career down the pooper when he stared in the sequel to "Glitter", aka "G.I. Joe".

The Bad:
Stress! Stress! Stress!  There were some parts of this flick that gave me so much stress that not only did I get a crohnsy flare-up in my buttocks, but the amount of gray hair on my head tripled!  I swear by the end of the week I'm going to look like Richard Gere, minus the sex-appeal.  in the film's defense it doesn't try to hide the fact that it's a stressful movie, and if anything it promotes Stress like it's one of the main characters.  So if you think your going to get a cute Meg Ryan-type chick flick, then you're going to be sorely disappointed, like when I found out Michael Jackson wasn't a white female.  

The Ugly:
The Ugly truth about this film is that it's anything but ugly, as a matter of fact it's sexy!  Rachel McAdams and Channing are so DARN good looking that I would totally keep them locked in the closet, and wrapped in plastic-wrap so they always stay fresh... Maybe I should stop taking pointers from Dr. Lecter's Autobiography.  But in all seriousness this is a very Romantic love story, and it keeps you at the edge of your seat hoping that everything will be alright for them in the end.  Realistically,  guys will be at the edge of their seats dreaming about taking Rachel McAdams to get a McRib at Mcdonalds (that's a lot of Mcs), and the girls will be coo-coo for coco puffs over Channing's well defined six-pack.
4 out of 5

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