Monday, September 5, 2011


Overview:  Oh boy, it's that time of the year where a bunch of angsty tweens get together to celebrate... freak-dancing with each other and hoping they'll get a smoochie?  Nova Prescott is your A-typical preppy class president who acts like a Stepford wife and still thinks the world is full of rainbows, which it isn't... unless your in San Francisco. BAM!  Everything is looking peachy for Nova's Prom night, that is until the school bad boy began helping her with the decorations as a punishment, and he doesn't want to because it would ruin his nonchalant (I've seen how bleak life can be and that's my reason for riding this motorcycle and dressing like a gay pirate) attitude. Will Nova and the rest of her high school peers have the prom they've always dreamed of, or will it blow like a whale struggling for breathe?

The Good:  Since C and I first got together, I noticed how she's poisoning me slowly.  I used to stay away from Disney cheesy crap like this, but now I'm finding myself loving it with the blinds down.  This film has everything an ultra cheesy high school chick flick needs, including: the bad boy who acts like he doesn't care about anyone and dresses like he used to work at Abrocrombe and Fitch, a football players who like to two-time women, and the ditsy class president who thinks that everything is going to be easy after high school.  This movie is massively ridiculous, but that's what C and I like so much about it; nothing brings us more happiness and self-esteem than watching a bunch of loser teenagers think they know squat about dating.

The Bad:  I take this about as seriously as "High School Musical" and saving the polar bears... I couldn't care less, and i'm sure that a majority of all people who see this movie will agree with me; I just don't take high schoolers seriously.  other than that there's not much about this movie that sucks, except the teenage love at times can make you want to hurl, so it all depends on how well you stomach that vomit-worthy lovey-dovey "I'll marry you right after high school" stuff.

The Ugly:  Not bad is this movie be thee says I.  If you are a person like me and likes to make fun of naive high-schoolers, then this movie is the perfect choice!  Or if you are the kind of person who eats the Jane Austen cereal for breakfast then this is also the perfect choice, but beware it might give you cavities.
3 1/2 out of 5

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